Introducing Stylesheet in React Native

In React Native, the "StyleSheet" component is used to define styles for your components. It provides a way to separate the style definitions from the component code, making it easier to maintain and reuse styles across the application.

Styles in React Native are defined as JavaScript objects, and the "StyleSheet" component provides a convenient way to create these objects. To define a style, you call "StyleSheet.create" and pass an object that defines your styles.

The styles you define in a "StyleSheet" can be applied to components using the "style" prop. You can apply multiple styles to a component by passing an array of style objects to the "style" prop.


import React from 'react'
} from 'react-native'
function AppPro():JSX.Element{
    const isDarkMode =useColorScheme()=== 'dark'
 <View style={styles.container}> 
    <Text style={isDarkMode?styles.whitetext:styles.whitetext}>Hello World</Text>


const styles=StyleSheet.create({
        alignItems: 'center',


export default AppPro


alignItems: justifyContent:

alignItems and justifyContent are props in React Native used to position and align elements within a container component.

alignItems (left-right)is used to align elements vertically within a container. Possible values include:

  • flex-start (default) aligns items to the top of the container

  • center aligns items to the center of the container

  • flex-end aligns items to the bottom of the container

  • stretch stretches items to fill the container

justifyContent (Top-bottom)is used to align elements horizontally within a container. Possible values include:

  • flex-start (default) aligns items to the start of the container

  • center aligns items to the center of the container

  • flex-end aligns items to the end of the container

  • space-between spaces out items evenly, with the first item at the start and the last item at the end

  • space-around spaces out items evenly with equal space around them

Both alignItems and justifyContent are used to control the layout and positioning of elements within a container component, typically a View component with the flex style.