React Native File Structure

Quick Note:

  1. __tests__/: A directory containing test files for your application. Tests can be written using testing frameworks such as Jest.Testers work on this folder to do various tasks such as checking if the app, buttons are properly rendered.

  2. ios/ and android/: Directories containing platform-specific native code for iOS and Android respectively.

  3. node_modules/: A directory containing the dependencies required by your project, installed by npm.

  4. .gitignore: A file containing a list of files and directories to be ignored by Git.

  5. .prettierrc.js: A file containing configuration options for the Prettier code formatter.

  6. .ruby-version: A file indicating the version of Ruby required by the project.

  7. .watchmanconfig: A file used by Watchman, a file watching service for React Native.

  8. app.json: A file containing configuration options for your React Native application.

  9. App.tsx: A file containing the entry point for your React Native application.

  10. babel.config.js: A file containing configuration options for Babel, a JavaScript transpiler.

  11. Gemfile: A file used by the Ruby programming language to manage dependencies.

  12. index.js: A file containing the entry point for your React Native application.

  13. metro.config.js: A file containing configuration options for Metro, the JavaScript bundler used by React Native.

  14. tsconfig.json: A file containing configuration options for TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript.

  15. package.json: A file containing metadata about your project, including dependencies and scripts.